140 million rows later

At work, as part of a project I’m working on, I wanted to add a new reference to a table. ”Simple enough” - I thought. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.

Adding a reference from one table to another is straight forward in Rails.

You create a migration using rails generate and then write in it something like add_reference :device_event_logs, :door, foreign_key: true, null: true. And then you run rails migrate. Boom. Done!

This is where my problems began.

The table I was adding the reference to holds event logs for all devices. Each event represents some kind of user interaction with the device. I know that there are a decent number of devices in the field, and a decent number of users in the system.

Since adding a reference can lock the table (prevent reading or writing to it) until the migration is done I wanted to be sure that it wouldn’t cause any problems.

I opened the DB console, entered SELECT COUNT(1) FROM device_event_logs and hit enter. A few seconds passed and nothing happened - “there must be a lot of records in the table” I thought. Then 30 more seconds passed and still no result - this was a bad omen. After 45 sec the query returned a count of 140 million rows.

Yikes. This means that adding the reference would take quite a while and use up a decent chunk of storage space.

Next I went to check how often this table is written to - to determine how big of an impact a few minutes of downtime would have. So I checked the statistics tables in MariaDB and the number of requests to the controller that the devices call to log events. There were around 30 inserts per second.

Yikes again. This meant that 5 min of downtime would cause 9000 failed requests - potentially 9000 unhappy customers.

I wanted to find a way to add this reference quickly, without locking the table and without using too much storage space.

Digging through the Rails documentation for add_reference I didn’t find anything that could help me solve this, so I resorted to adding the reference manually, step by step.

In Rails, a reference like add_reference :device_event_logs, :door, foreign_key: true, null: true creates a column to store the ID of the row being referenced in the other table, creates and index on that column and adds a foreign key constraint from that column to the referenced table’s primary key.

Now I read through MariaDB’s documentation to see how I could optimize each of these three steps.

Turns out that adding the column is already optimized out of the box so I could just add it through add_column :device_event_logs, :door_id, :integer, null: true. That would create the column in less than a second and wouldn’t lock the table.

When creating an index, the MariaDB docs say that one can specify an algorithm with which the index is generated. Some algorithms are locking, some aren’t, some create a copy of the whole table, some don’t. But if you don’t pass an algorithm MariaDB will try to use the fastest, least locking, and most space efficient one possible.

Sounds great, but as I have been burned before by documentation leading to incorrect assumptions I decided to verify this.

So I ran CREATE INDEX foobar ON device_event_logs (door_id) on our staging database. It took about 20 min to complete, increased the database’s size by nearly double and I couldn’t insert or select from the table while the index was being created.

Good thing I checked.

Then I tired specifying the algorithm explicitly with CREATE INDEX foobar ON device_event_logs (door_id) ALGORITHM inplace and it erred out with a message saying that INPLACE isn’t supported on this table. I also tried all other algorithms none of which were supported, except for the slow and locking one - COPY.

This threw me down a rabbit hole. I spent a day trying to figure out why the better algorithms weren’t supported until I finally found a paragraph in MariaDB’s documentation explaining that tables created prior to MariaDB version 10.something.something can’t use the newer algorithms. So I checked when the staging table was created, and sure enough, it was way before that version was released.

Since the staging environment was setup after the production environment I’d surely run into the same problem there. What now?

After some more digging I found out that this problem can be solved by running OPTIMIZE TABLE device_event_logs. Which will do all sorts of magic, fairly quickly and with a lock on the table, to get the table working with all features of the current MariaDB version. So I ran it, and a second later it was done.

Now I could add the index with add_index :device_event_logs, :door_id, algorithm: :inplace. The algorithm option isn’t necessary, but I wanted the migration to fail if it would lock the table - in case I forgot to optimize it.

When creating a foreign key constraint, the MariaDB docs say that, you can pass an algorithm (just like with an index), and a LOCK=NONE option. But add_foreign_key in rails accepts neither of these options, so I had to resort to writing SQL.

But when I tried to run the migration it failed, stating that an index on the doors table’s id column was missing. What? How? It’s the primary key!

After some more digging I found out that the column types in a foreign key have to match, else you get that error.

I added an integer column to device_event_logs thinking it would automatically use bigint which is the default primary key type in Rails, but it didn’t. So I went back and changed the add column to add_column :device_event_logs, :door_id, :bigint, null: true.

Finally I could add the foreign key, but it was very slow. I had a hunch that it was due to MariaDB checking if the key actually exists in the other table.

To speed it up I disabled referential integrity by wrapping the SQL command in a disable_referential_integrity block after which the foreign key was added in less than a second.

The downside of disabling referential integrity is that a foreign key might point to something that doesn’t exist, but that wasn’t a problem in this migration since the column the foreign key was added to was completely empty.

My migration looked like this in the end

The production migration took 15 min, caused no locks or downtime, and increased the size of the database by a gigabyte.

All in all, a big win and learning experience.
# `add_reference :device_event_logs, :door, foreign_key: true, null: true` is equuivalent to
add_column :device_event_logs, :door_id, :bigint, null: true
add_index :device_event_types, :door_id
add_foreign_key :device_event_types, :doors
    ALTER TABLE device_event_logs
    ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_53a1f7c81d
      REFERENCES doors (id),
      LOCK = NONE;
add_column :device_event_logs, :door_id, :bigint, null: true

add_index :device_event_logs, :door_id, algorithm: :inplace

# https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Migration.html#method-i-reversible
reversible do |dir|
  dir.up do
    disable_referential_integrity do
          ALTER TABLE device_event_logs
          ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_53a1f7c81d
            FOREIGN KEY IF NOT EXISTS (door_id)
            REFERENCES doors (id),
            ALGORITHM = INPLACE,
            LOCK = NONE;
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